Efficiently Producing Fuels from Waste CO2 and Off-peak Wind or Other Renewable Energy

Publications and Patents


Dr. Doty presented an invited talk at the Spring National ACS Meeting, San Diego, 2012.

DIVISION: FUEL: Division of Fuel Chemistry
SESSION: Ultraclean Fuels Production and Utilization
PAPER ID: 18193
PAPER TITLE: “New paradigms for standard liquid fuels from CO2, H2O, CH4, and off-peak energy” (final paper number: 548)

Click on the link for a copy of a preprint of this paper. FD Doty, DL McCree, GN Doty, LL Holte, JM Doty, and PD Ellis, “New Paradigms for Standard Liquid Fuels from CO2, H2O, CH4, and Off-peak Energy”, (invited oral).


The associated papers are presented here with permission from ASME — for reference only. Anyone who wishes to use any part of these articles must contact ASME for permission at permission@asme.org.
For other references, visit the ASME Digital Store.

" Sustainable Transportation Fuels From Off-peak Wind Energy, CO2 and Water" , Copyright ©2010 by ASME

"Toward Efficient Reduction of CO2 to CO for Renewable Fuels" (RWGS), Copyright ©2010 by ASME

" Projections of Levelized Cost Benefit of Grid-scale Energy Storage Options"
, Copyright ©2010 by ASME

"Deployment Prospects for Proposed Sustainable Energy Alternatives in 2020" ,
Copyright ©2010 by ASME

" Securing our Transportation Future by Using Off-peak Wind to Recycle CO2 into Fuels" , Copyright ©2009 by ASME

"A Dual-source Organic Rankine Cycle (DORC) for Improved Efficiency in Conversion of Low- and Mid-grade Heat Sources" , Copyright ©2009 by ASME

"Compact, High-effectiveness, Gas-to-gas Compound Recuperator with Liquid Intermediary (CRLI)" , Copyright ©2009 by ASME


Another important paper:
" Securing Our Energy Future by Efficiently Recycling CO2 into
Transportation Fuels – and Driving the Off-peak Wind Market
By Glenn Doty, F. David Doty, Laura Holte, David McCree, and Siddarth Shevgoor -
was presented at and published in the proceedings of WindPower 2009
May 4-7, 2009, Chicago IL USA


Published Doty Patents
(Only energy relevent patents are listed here.)

WO2008115933 - WindFuels (RFTS)

WO2009082504 - Gas-to-gas Compound Recuperator with Liquid Intermediary (CRLI)"

WO2009048479 - Dual-source Organic Rankine Cycle (DORC)



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